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  • Writer's pictureBen Stevenson

We Need To Talk About Travel

Today's post is written by my boyfriend, and Alicias' Travel Guide's new news editor and copywriter, Ben. He's going to be posting a lot of topical travel news over on our LinkedIn page, so be sure to follow us over there to keep up to date with all news and business development.

A post covid world will change how we perceive travelling in the future. Becker puts it best, travellers will take on the role of “concerned citizens” and as such we will need to begin a new with our drive for adventure.

The question on every traveller mind is- how?

The answer, quite simply is through means of sustainability, working with small communities and using our resources or travel closer to home, whether be it through camping in the garden or on a road trip to Aberdeen.

Here at Alicia’s Travel Guide, both Alicia and I are fanatic about sustainability, recycle and overall wellness for the Earth. We truly believe there will be a chance of a sustainable future within the travel industry and we recognise there is a far way to go.

Till then, I purpose the following options when it comes to flying, try and find eco-friendly hotels, hostel and Bnb’s. Companies such as “Cool Effect” can help you find Green verified hotels can also help you find the best value for money.

Travelling to small towns will not only benefit and enrich you but will more importantly also help drive revenue into many of the countries relying on tourism during Covid-19.

This will help the people and businesses get back onto their feet. However, it is imperative we look into diversifying our locations, as we still we need to reduce the impact of mass tourism which have devastating effects on the local habitats.

moderation, conversation and information is key .

Nothing beats a road-trip, travelling close to home, or even closer if you plan on camping in the garden. Planning a road trip can be rewarding and exciting. Of course, to do this, you have to be “corona conscious”, basically don’t be a  numpty and follow the guidance given. If all is a go, pack your bags and let's get on the road.

On that point, seek quality, experiences will make their way to you.

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About The Author

News Editor and Copy Writer

(and boyfriend)

Alicia's Travel Guide on Socials


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