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  • Writer's pictureBen Stevenson

Remember Remember The 5th of November...

Despite the year 2020 being hung, drawn and quartered by the pandemic, we still one fun activity that we can all do from the safety of our back gardens.

Bonfire Night, Guy Fawkes Night, you know the one. It seems a strange tradition to celebrate the life of someone who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament but such is the irony of the British.

The Gun Powder Plot:

The year is 1605, it’s a chilly November morning and a man named Guy Fawkes planned to execute King James I and the entirety of the House of Lords.

Fawkes and the 8 other participants filled the chambers with at least 36 barrels of gunpowder. That’s enough to level down most things into rubbles and atoms. However, the plot was intercepted and informed to the Baron of Monteagle whom in due course checked its accuracy and found the barrels on the night of the 4th.

Inevitably, Fawkes and his 8 men were caught and well… hung, drawn and quartered, arguably a crueller death indeed.

Centuries later, we use gun powder for amazing colourful displays for festive fun times.

I told you the British loved their Irony with a cup of tea.

How to celebrate:

Get some marshmallow, beers, build a fire in the back garden, safely though as we’ve seen way too many infomercials in the early 2000’s that being a dumb dumb with fire is bad.

Get some fireworks, stand back and enjoy the irony.

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About The Author

News Editor and Copy Writer

(and boyfriend)

Alicia's Travel Guide on Socials


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